Rafllesia Arnoldii Rafflesia Arnoldii is a member of the genus rafflesia. It is named after it's founder which is Sir Thomas Raffles (Rafflesia) and Joseph Arnold(Arnoldii). The flower has a very strong odour of decaying flesh. It is endemic to the rainforests of Sumatra and probably Borneo. Rafflesia Arnoldii is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia. It is a national "rare flower" as stated in Presindential Decree No.4 in 1933. The flower of Rafflesia Arnoldii grow to a diameter of around one meter, but the greatest measured from reliable source is 105 meter. Rafflesia Arnoldii could weight up into 11 kg. These flowers emerge from very large, cabbage-like, maroon or magenta buds typically about 30 cm (12 in) wide, but the largest (and the largest flower bud ever recorded) found at Mount Sago, Sumatra in May 1956 was 43cm (17 in) in diameter. Rafflesia is a...